mercoledì 25 febbraio 2015

"Romeo Montague"

Romeo Montague:

Romeo Montecchi ( Romeo Montague in English) is one of the main protagonists of the tragedy by William Shakespeare; Romeo e Juliet.

He is the only son and heir of the Montagues family of Verona. Was born into nobility and has a personal servant, Balthasar.
Romeo is a sixteen years old boy, handsome ( bello), intelligent and sensitive, although it is impulsive and immature and is proficient in the use of sword. Is also a reader of love poems and his quest typically youthful love, tries to emulate ideal love sonnets much in vogue at the time.

His passion and his idealism make an appreciated and loved. Despite living in the middle of a feud between his family and the Capulets, he isn't interested in violence, his interest is love,first for a Rosalina.

The character of Romeo is very similar to that of Pyramus, protagonist of an ancient Babylonian myth well known in Greek and Roman societies. Even he was madly in love Thisbe, however because of the hatred of the two respective families were forced to plan an escape. The plan, however, fail and Pyramus, believing that Thisbe was dead, stabs himelf. Shortly after she wake up and seeing the lifeless companion stabs herself the chest (petto).

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