mercoledì 25 febbraio 2015

"Romeo Montague"

Romeo Montague:

Romeo Montecchi ( Romeo Montague in English) is one of the main protagonists of the tragedy by William Shakespeare; Romeo e Juliet.

He is the only son and heir of the Montagues family of Verona. Was born into nobility and has a personal servant, Balthasar.
Romeo is a sixteen years old boy, handsome ( bello), intelligent and sensitive, although it is impulsive and immature and is proficient in the use of sword. Is also a reader of love poems and his quest typically youthful love, tries to emulate ideal love sonnets much in vogue at the time.

His passion and his idealism make an appreciated and loved. Despite living in the middle of a feud between his family and the Capulets, he isn't interested in violence, his interest is love,first for a Rosalina.

The character of Romeo is very similar to that of Pyramus, protagonist of an ancient Babylonian myth well known in Greek and Roman societies. Even he was madly in love Thisbe, however because of the hatred of the two respective families were forced to plan an escape. The plan, however, fail and Pyramus, believing that Thisbe was dead, stabs himelf. Shortly after she wake up and seeing the lifeless companion stabs herself the chest (petto).

domenica 22 febbraio 2015

"Shakespeare- Romeo and Juliet"

"Romeo and Juliet":

Ruling house of Verona:
  • Prince Escalus: Prince of Verona
  • Count Paris: is a kinsman (parente) of Escalus who wishes to marry Juliet.
  • Mercutio: is another kinsman of Escalus, and a friend of Romeo.House of Capulet:
  • Capulett: is the patriarch of the house of Capulet.
  • Lady Capulet: is the matriarch of the house of Capulet.
  • Juliett: is the 13-year-old daughter of Capulet, and the play's female protagonist.
  • Tybald: is a cousin of Juliet, and the nephew( nipote) of Lady Capulet.
  • The Nurse: is Juliet's personal attendant and confidante.
  • Rosaline: is Lord Capulet's niece (nipote), and Romeo's love in the beginning of the story.
  • Peter, Sampson and Gregory:Servants of the Capulet household.

House of Montague:
  • Montague: is the patriarch of the house of Montague.
  • Lady Montague: is the matriarch of the house of Montague.
  • Romeo: is the son of Montague, and the play's male protagonist.
  • Benvolio: is Romeo's cousin and best friend.
  • Abram and Balthasar: Servants of the Montague household.

  • Friar Laurence is a Franciscan friar, and is Romeo's confidant.
  • Friar John is sent (inviato per portare) to deliver Friar Laurence's letter to Romeo.
  • An Apothecary (farmacista) who reluctantly sells Romeo poison.
  • A Chorus reads a prologue to each of the first two acts.


On a hot morning fighting by young servants of the Capulet and Montague families is stopped by the Prince who tells them that the next person who breaks the peace will be punished with death.

Capulet plans a feast to introduce his daughter, Juliet, who is almost fourteen, to the Count Paris who would like to marry her. By a mistake of the illiterate servant Peter, Montague’s son, Romeo, and his friends Benvolio and the Prince’s cousin Mercutio, hear of the party and decide to go in disguise(mascherarsi). Romeo hopes he will see his adored Rosaline but instead he meets and falls in love with Juliet.

Juliet’s cousin Tybalt recognises the Montagues and they are forced to leave the party just as Romeo and Juliet have each discovered the other’s identity. Romeo lingers (idugia) near the Capulet’s house and talks to Juliet when she appears on her balcony. With the help of Juliet’s Nurse the lovers arrange to meet next day at the cell of Friar Lawrence when Juliet goes for confession, and they are married by him.

Tybalt picks a quarrel with Mercutio and his friends and Mercutio is accidentally killed as Romeo intervenes to try to break up the fight. Romeo pursues Tybalt in anger(rabbia), kills him and is banished by the Prince for the deed. Juliet is anxious that Romeo is late meeting her and learns of the fighting from her Nurse. With Friar Lawrence’s help it is arranged that Romeo will spend the night with Juliet before taking refuge at Mantua.

To calm the family’s sorrow at Tybalt’s death the day for the marriage of Juliet to Paris is brought forward. Capulet and his wife are angry that Juliet does not wish to marry Paris, not knowing of her secret contract with Romeo.

Friar Lawrence helps Juliet by providing a sleeping potion that will make everyone think she’s dead. Romeo will then come to her tomb and take her away. When the wedding party arrives to greet Juliet next day they think she is dead. The Friar sends a colleague to warn Romeo to come to the Capulet’s family monument to rescue his sleeping wife but the message doesn’t get through and Romeo, hearing instead that Juliet is dead, buys poison in Mantua.

He returns to Verona and goes to the tomb where he surprises and kills the mourning Paris. Romeo takes the poison and dies just as Juliet awakes from her drugged sleep. She learns what has happened from Friar Lawrence but she refuses to leave the tomb and stabs herself as the Friar returns with the Prince, the Capulets and Romeo’s father. The deaths of their children lead the families to make peace, promising to erect a monument in their memory.

sabato 7 febbraio 2015

"Shakespeare- Hamlet"




Atto primo:

Il padre di Amleto, il Re di Danimarca, è morto da soli due mesi, ma la madre del ragazzo, la Regina Gertrude, ha sposato suo cognato, Claudius che ora è diventato Re. Un fantasma, che assomiglia al vecchio Re di Danimarca è apparso alle sentinelle del castello di Elsinore, che è armato in caso di attacco da parte di Fortimbras, principe di Norvegia. Amleto e il suo amico Orazio organizzano un incontro di notte per vedere se il fantasma appare, e lui appare. Il fantasma racconta ad Amleto di essere stato assassinato da Cludius che gli ha messo del veleno nell'orecchio mentre dormiva nel suo giardino. Lui chiede ad Amleto di vendicarlo, ma di lasciare il giudizio di sua madre a Dio ( Paradiso).

Atto secondo:

Amleto fa finta di essere pazzo perciò lui può portare avanti il suo piano più facilmente. Polonius, il consigliere del Re, pensa che la pazzia di Amleto sia dovuta all'amore che prova per sua figlia Ophelia. Amleto organizza un gruppo di attori, che devono intrattenere la corte, la performance "L'assassino di Gonzago" è similie alla storia raccontata dal fantasma.

Atto terzo:

L'atto è presentato: Il re si alza e si precipita via. Mentre sta andando nella camera da letto della regina Amleto vede il re pregare, cosi non lo uccide perchè non vuole che si salvi in stato di grazia. Durante un litigio con la madre, Amleto uccide Polonius che era nascosto dietro una tenda ad ascoltare la loro conversazione. Il re decide di mandare Amleto in Inghilterra per sbarazzarsi di lui.

Atto quarto:

Amleto va in Inghilterra per essere ucciso. Ophelia impazzisce e si annega. Suo fratello Laertes vuole vendetta e il re, dopo aver ricevuto notizie della fuga di Amleto trama la morte del protagonista in un duello con Laertes.

Atto quinto:

Segue il duello. Hamleto viene indotto a bere una bevanda avvelenata ma non la beve, invece la regina beve il vino. Laertes ferisce Amleto con la punta della sua spada che è stata avvelenata, ma le spade si sono scambiate e Amleto ferisce Laertes. La regina muore, Laertes cade e denuncia che il re è stato accoltellato da Amleto. Entrambi il re e Laertes muoiono. Amleto chiede ad Orazio di raccontare questa storia raccomandandolo che Fortimbras deve essere eletto re e poi muore anche lui. Fortimbras entra e prende in possesso il regno dopo aver portato onore ad Amleto.


  • FORTIMBRAS:                                   - Prince of Norway

  • OPHELIA:                                             - Polonius' daughter

  • GERTRUDE:                                         - Hamlet's mother, Claudius'wife

  •  CLAUDIUS:                                          - Hamlet's uncle

  •  LAERTES:                                            - Ophelia's brother

  • ROSENTCRAZ AND                             -Hamlet's university friends

  • HORATIO:                                              -Hamlet's best friend

  • OLD NORWAY:                                    - King of Norway


  • KING

domenica 1 febbraio 2015

Shakespeare's London

"Shakespeare's London":


  • In the 16(th) century, London had more 200.000 residents, many of them living beyond the boundaries of the original walled city founded as Londinium by the Romans in 43 AD. The city was bordered by the Thames to the south and enclosed by a semicircular wall. The bridge was the only route across the river, apart from the numerous boats that shuttled between its banks. On the top of hill east of Lungate stood the old St. Paul's Cathedral.


  • There were large markets in Cheapside and Eastcheap, were Londoners could buy local produce and imported goods brought up the river by foreign merchants. London's tradesmen were organised into guilds. Many of the trades were associated with particular areas. Present street names,like Bread Street, Milk Street and Ironmonger Lane, are reminders of past trades.


  • Shakespeare staged plays at the Globe Theatre, build in 1599 west of London Bridge in an area know as Bankside.The Globe was not the only playhouse in Southwark. Others built there before it were the Newington Butts Palyhouse (1580), The Rose( 1587) and the Swan (1595). Playgoing had in fact become part of the city's daily life, and all levels of society shared the experiences of the Theatre. Aristocrats were familiar with the plays of the day from acting part of school, seeing plays at court and,later, becoming patrons of the stage. Apprentices and merchants also enjoyed the theatre and often took an afternoon off work to go and see a play.
  • When Shakespeare began working in London in 1588, the market was ready for new companies. Bou companies competed against the adult companies and were actually able to earn more money than their more experienced rivals. The three main boy companies were the Children of the Paul's, The Chapel Children and the Children of the King's Revels ( feste). Shakespeare was part of the Lord Chamberlain's Men. Performing to a potential audience of  3.000 people. Each day, the company presented a different plays, rehearsing it in the morning before performing it in the afternoon.


  • From a disease standpoint, Shakespeare lived in the worst place and time in history. As London was overcrowded, rat-infested and sexually promiscuous, with raw sewage flowing in the Thames, it was devastated by the plague in the second half of the 16 (th) century. The outbreaks in 1563 and 1603 were the most ferocious, each wiping out over one quarter of London's population. When there were more than thirty deaths a week. the theatres were closed. There were very few years when there were no closures, so London acting companies had to travel to other towns, where they were not always welcome, coming from a plague city.