venerdì 31 ottobre 2014

Beowulf: " Comparing and Contrasting"

"Beowulf VS Modern Society":



In Beowulf we can find the themes of:

  • Love
  • War
  • Suicide
  • Honour
  • Infidelty
  • Friendship/Loyalty

1- Love:

We can find the theme of Love. At the time of Beowulf's people fell in love but didn't have a permanent love.
Today it is common treason, even though the love of most people is unique and important.

2- War:

We can find the theme of War. At the time of Beowulf there were many struggles for power and territory. People died for his people, and the winner received a prize, the glory.
Today, the theme of war is present.The soldiers are daily engaged in peace-keeping missions in the East.There are many deaths and the pain is great.


At the time of Beowulf people were dying because he felt wounded pride.Today, things haven' t changed. people kill for betrayal, disappointment, or wounded pride.

4-Honour and Infiedelty:

We can find these themes also in today's society. At the time of Beowulf  the people were very proud and wanted power, they had a lot of women.Nowadays, things haven' t  changed.
People want to be higher and want to have fun. In most cases you get to the betrayal and the many consequences.

5- Friendship and Loyalty:

This is the most important theme in Beowulf, in my opinion.
At the time of Beowulf the people were faithful to each other and helped each other.
 Even today, despite the prevalence of self. people help and there is loyalty and 'friendship between people.


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